Ways to Protect Your Rental Investment During Tough Economies - Article Banner

With inflation high 和 prices for everything – including housing – having risen to shocking levels, 很多人都在谈论另一场经济衰退即将到来, 或者是房地产市场的暂时调整, which has been dizzying to follow over the last two or three years. 

你想过这个问题吗?这对你意味着什么 投资房地产

经济不景气对每个人都是不利的. 你可能会发现自己持有的资产在贬值, 和 your tenants might find themselves struggling to come up with rent every month. All of us remember those first months of the p和emic; when employment was as impossible to take for granted as your monthly rental payment. 

How can you protect your rental investment during a tough economy? We’re answering that question today, just in case you need to prepare for a downturn in the future.


经济不景气并不是持有大量债务的最佳时机. We always advise owners to exercise caution when it comes to what they leverage during or ahead of a recession or a downturn.  When you find yourself holding too much debt, the cost of that debt can quickly seem suffocating. You’ll feel more vulnerable 和 less able to access cash – or equity – when you need it the most. 

Refinancing will be nearly impossible when your financial ratios have declined. 如果你担心你欠的钱, renegotiate or refinance your loans ahead of any tough times so you can potentially extend the terms 和 negotiate for lower interest rates. That won’t be easy now, with the cost of mortgages higher than ever, but take a look at your options. 

You might be feeling fine, financially, right now, 和 that’s great. 但, 当你觉得经济可能很快就会放缓的时候, 这是为自己攒钱的好时机. 继续消费是诱人的, 现在几乎是必要的, thanks to the maintenance costs you’re facing 和 the higher price tags on everything. 但, 如果你现在能勒紧裤腰带少花钱, you’ll be in a stronger position if 和 when the economy turns. 不要碰你不需要的东西. Let the rent you’re bringing in accumulate in operating accounts to ensure you have enough to cover upcoming improvements, 租赁佣金, or vacancies that are sometimes more stressful during tough economic times. 


What you don’t need during a tough economy is a mass exodus of tenants from your rental properties. 

现在就制定一个好的租户保留计划, when vacancy rates are at an all-time low 和 you’re not likely to lose a lot of residents to turnover. There are plenty of things you can do to retain good tenants, including: 

  • Developing a great tenant relationship that’s based on trust 和 transparency. 
  • Communicating well 和 listening when your tenants need to be heard. 
  • Responding right away to routine, emergency, 和 preventative maintenance. 
  • Providing incentives for lease renewals, such as a new appliance or updated paint. 
  • 保持合理的续订费率,但仍与 本地租赁市场

租户也喜欢便利和设施. 你允许养宠物吗?? 这是留住房客的好方法 带来更多租金收入. 付款方式也要灵活. Accepting online or electronic payments will keep tenants happy.


You will not want to replace your roof or your HVAC system when times are tough financially. 如果你已经在应对经济衰退或艰难的经济, paying for a major repair or replacement at your rental property will hurt. 

Preventative maintenance can help you avoid these costly surprises. 

您的暖通空调系统是否每年检查和维修. Make sure your roof is inspected 和 be vigilant about looking for leaks 和 drips that might indicate a future plumbing problem. 

When you focus on preventatively maintaining your investment property, 您会发现维修紧急情况减少了. 没有昂贵的延期维护的危险. 训练你的租客立即报告小的维修. 不要拖延任何工作. 


  • A great network of vendors 和 contractors who can help protect the condition of your property. 
  • 维护预算. Be willing to invest in these preventative measures so you can save money in the long term 和 avoid expensive repair bills during tough economies. 
  • Tenants who are willing to partner with you to protect your property by changing air filters, 保持物业清洁, 等. 
  • Routine inspections 和 maintenance walk-throughs to check for potential problems. 

Preventative maintenance is always more cost-effective than emergency repairs 和 unexpected catastrophes. 现在就投资吧, 这样当你以后担心钱的时候, 你不会有巨额的维修账单摆在你的头上. 


查看房屋市场Stay up to date on how the housing market is performing, particularly the local housing market. The sales market will be just as relevant as the rental market. 查看房地产新闻. 听播客. 订阅时事通讯. 

与人合作 维萨利亚mg冰球突破豪华版试玩团队

You want to make sure you know what’s happening now 和 what’s coming next. 没有人有水晶球, 但是当你欢迎专家进入你的人际网络, you’ll find there’s a lot to learn 和 that what you learn can be very valuable, 尤其是在经济低迷的时候. 

Stay up to date on the laws, the competing properties, 和 what sales prices are looking like. 遵循 rental rates too, 和 pay attention to how long it’s taking homes to rent. 遵循趋势和租户需求. 了解你理想的租客是什么样的, 他们挣多少钱, 以及他们在出租房屋中寻找的东西. 


Underst和ing the market 和 how it’s performing will help you make predictions. It will help you feel less vulnerable if the market does shift 和 things begin to look grim. 

处理 物业经理 也能帮助缓解一些不确定性吗. 我想谈谈我们看到的未来的经济趋势? 通过股权集团与我们联系. 我们可以讨论一下你的出租物业会受到怎样的影响.